Medicaid Administrative Claiming and Targeted Case Management
This archived webinar from the National Institute of Corrections defines the roles that criminal justice professionals play in Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and targeted case management (TCM), highlights community corrections and criminal justice agency examples of resource utilization, explains strategies for meeting increased demand for healthcare services under the Affordable Care Act, and differentiates between MAC and TCM. The webinar aims to demonstrate that MAC and TCM are excellent fits with day to day activities that Probation Officers and Parole Agents…
This archived webinar from the National Institute of Corrections defines the roles that criminal justice professionals play in Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and targeted case management (TCM), highlights community corrections and criminal justice agency examples of resource utilization, explains strategies for meeting increased demand for healthcare services under the Affordable Care Act, and differentiates between MAC and TCM. The webinar aims to demonstrate that MAC and TCM are excellent fits with day to day activities that Probation Officers and Parole Agents provide and walks through the process to assist interested individuals in getting MAC/TCM up and running in their locales.
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